O que está levando tantos profissionais a procurar emprego em Santa Catarina? A busca por conhecimento é apenas um dos motivos.
What does professionals seeking employment in Santa Catarina? The search for knowledge is just one reason.
What does professionals seeking employment in Santa Catarina? The search for knowledge is just one reason.
É tecnologia “made in Florianópolis”. O diagnóstico médico ficou mais rápido e preciso com a ajuda de um software de imagens digitais. Outro programa permite às indústrias evitar o desperdício de tecido na hora do corte. Outro é capaz de substituir até o tratorista no campo.
It's technology "made in Florianopolis." The medical diagnosis was faster and more accurate with the help of a digital imaging software. Another program allows industries to avoid the waste of tissue. Another is able to replace up to the truck driver in the field.
It's technology "made in Florianopolis." The medical diagnosis was faster and more accurate with the help of a digital imaging software. Another program allows industries to avoid the waste of tissue. Another is able to replace up to the truck driver in the field.
Quando aparece uma novidade, como os tablets, tem gente desenvolvendo aplicativos. Kleber e Daniel San Martin criaram uma versão moderna para os velhos jogos de tabuleiro. “Desenvolvemos o jogo em dois meses, ele foi aprovado pela Apple e hoje está sendo vendido em mais de 36 países”, conta Daniel San Martin, diretor da Fisiogames.
When shown a novelty, like tablets, there are people developing applications. Kleber and Daniel San Martin have created a modern version for the old board games. "We developed the game in two months, he was adopted by Apple and is now being sold in over 36 countries," says Daniel San Martin, director of Fisiogames.
When shown a novelty, like tablets, there are people developing applications. Kleber and Daniel San Martin have created a modern version for the old board games. "We developed the game in two months, he was adopted by Apple and is now being sold in over 36 countries," says Daniel San Martin, director of Fisiogames.
Estes são exemplos de uma revolução silenciosa que começou na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina(UFSC), há 25 anos, com a criação de uma incubadora de empresas de base tecnológica. Florianópolis se transformou em um dos principais pólos de tecnologias inovadoras do país. Hoje são 550 empresas. Juntas elas geram mais impostos para a cidade do que setores tradicionais como a construção civil e o turismo.
These are examples of a quiet revolution that began in the Santa Catarina Federal University (UFSC), 25 years ago with the creation of an incubator of technology-based companies. Florianópolis has become one of the main centers of innovative technologies in the country. Today there are 550 companies. Together they generate more taxes for the city than traditional sectors such as construction and tourism.
These are examples of a quiet revolution that began in the Santa Catarina Federal University (UFSC), 25 years ago with the creation of an incubator of technology-based companies. Florianópolis has become one of the main centers of innovative technologies in the country. Today there are 550 companies. Together they generate more taxes for the city than traditional sectors such as construction and tourism.
Como elas foram longe. O software que aproveita melhor o tecido agora é usado por oito mil empresas em 30 países. A fama de “Meca tecnológica” atrai profissionais de todo o Brasil, como o baiano Alberto Lemos, mestre em física e craque em programação.
And they had gone. The software makes better use of the fabric is now used by eight thousand companies in 30 countries. The fame of "Mecca" technological attracts professionals from all over Brazil, like from Bahia Alberto Lemos, master in physics and programming expert.
And they had gone. The software makes better use of the fabric is now used by eight thousand companies in 30 countries. The fame of "Mecca" technological attracts professionals from all over Brazil, like from Bahia Alberto Lemos, master in physics and programming expert.
“Aqui eu encontrei um ambiente propício para desenvolver essa parte da área de tecnologia e, ao mesmo tempo, viver melhor, em um ambiente diferente”, conta o programador Alberto Lemos.
"Here I found an environment to develop this part of the area of technology and at the same time, to live better in a different environment," says the programmer Alberto Lemos.
"Here I found an environment to develop this part of the area of technology and at the same time, to live better in a different environment," says the programmer Alberto Lemos.
O setor, que só em Florianópolis emprega cinco mil pessoas e cresce 30% ao ano, já teme um apagão de mão de obra. “Você deve pensar que tudo começa pequeno, mas pensando em criar algo, uma tecnologia que possa ser levada para qualquer lugar do mundo, algo inovador, diferente. Com isso, você conquista mercados”, afirma Cláudio Grando, diretor da Audaces.
The sector, which employs only Florianópolis five thousand people and is growing 30% a year, the city fears a blackout of labor. "You must think that everything starts small, but thinking of creating something, a technology that can be taken anywhere in the world, something innovative, different. With this, you conquer markets, "said Claudio Grando, Director of Audaces.
The sector, which employs only Florianópolis five thousand people and is growing 30% a year, the city fears a blackout of labor. "You must think that everything starts small, but thinking of creating something, a technology that can be taken anywhere in the world, something innovative, different. With this, you conquer markets, "said Claudio Grando, Director of Audaces.
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